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From Corning: Take I99 South 17.2 miles to Tioga Exit 191 from US 15S/I99. At the end of the ramp turn right and follow 287S for 15.7 miles. Then turn right onto US 6W for 15.8 miles. Crooked Creek Campground will be located on your left on John Deere Lane.
From Williamsport: Take I99/US15 North 29.6 miles to Liberty Exit 162 from U
From Williamsport: Take I99/US15 North 29.6 miles to Liberty Exit 162 from US15N. At the end of the ramp turn left and follow 414W/287N 21.8 miles into Wellsboro. Turn right onto US6W and travel another 18.3 miles. Crooked Creek Campground will be located on the left on John Deere Lane.
Suggested Directions from the North and South routes to avoid back roads for larger rigs.